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Member Benefits

Benefits of Memberships

Being a member has it’s benefits! The Lavender Association of Colorado (LAC) is a non-profit organization that supports the next major agri-tourism movement in Colorado. We would love to have you as a Member!

Membership OPTIONS


$75 /year

Our Memberships are a once a year payment of $75 for General Members to be renewed yearly in order to maintain good member standing. Members are encouraged to attend Membership meetings and take an active partnership in Association events, serve on committees and volunteer at LAC events. Members are welcome to seek information and assistance from other lavender individuals, as well as provide information to other LAC members.


$25 /year

Our Supporter Membership is a once a year payment of $25 that can be renewed yearly at the supporter’s discretion. Supporters are welcome to attend Membership meetings, seek information and assistance from other lavender individuals. Supporters are welcome and encouraged to volunteer at LAC events and serve on committees.

Member Benefits Supporter Membership $25 General Membership $75

Board of Director eligible. *


Voting membership status for one (1) on policy and activities.

Inclusion in LAC Member Directory.

Dual listing for two names with one paid membership.

Self-managed listing on Membership Directory, add pictures, business link, recipes, etc.

Discounts at LAC conferences, LAC Festival/Fair vendor fees.

Use of the LAC logo on your website and advertising materials.

Use of Charter Member on your advertising materials, for these memberships only.

Participation in mentoring.

Scholarship consideration for conferences or meetings on behalf of LAC.

Supportive network of local lavender enthusiasts, strength in numbers.

Access to any beneficial information received by LAC to promote the Research, Resources, Education, Growth, Market development, and distribution of lavender and lavender products in Colorado.

CSU Extension Tri-River Area provided research and resources about lavender.

Facebook: An open Facebook page for information, postings, bragging, etc!

Festival Facebook:

E-Newsletter & Notices: signup at the bottom of any page on the website.

Virtual meeting attendance via dial-in web and phone, when you can’t be at a meeting in person.

Participate on all committees and task forces.

*Per the bylaws, up to two (2) Directors may be nonmembers representing the community at large.


And support the Lavender Association of Colorado and help spread the word throughout our beautiful state and enjoy the benefits of being a member!